Monday, February 9, 2009


This is about "right livelihood" of course. Today I have my third interview for the Community Outreach & Parent Coordinator position out of Everett for the Joint Committee on Health Care for Children.... and I had my Telephone Conference with my Mentor for Herbalife, John Harding. What will it be?

No doubt about it, I'm at some kind of a crossroads, professionally speaking.

For the interview, I was asked different questions by the team, then had to pitch WHY I should be hired; apparently I was the fourth of four finalists to be so questioned today. I believe I answered truthfully; I only hope I answered well. References are going to be contacted, and that's of some concern to me--- that contacts actually be made and not just voicemail or "telephone tag", and that what I told the Committee will be matched by what references say.

As for Herbalife, I need to know whether or not I will have a job, and then I can decide how much time & effort I can actually and realistically give to it. If I don't get this job, I may very well give it a 100%, knowing that it will take six months to a year before I see any significant return on my investment.

So I wait to see........

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