Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have not been myself at all for a few days. Since Sunday to be exact. Don't know who I've been, but it has certainly not been me. Aching all over, headache, scratchy throat, exhausted, fatigued, no appetite--- probably a touch of some flu. It could be lots worse, and will go away in time.

Rich is here today to put in the bathroom sink--- finally! It's up, looking good, and he's dealing with all the pipes and valves & things now. It is looking good, very good! A white sink to match the white toilet, and non-corroding faucets--- I can hardly wait till he's done.

What is taking him so long??? Parts are not going together like they should.... after a couple of trips to the hardware store, it's finally coming together. But---- the pedestal does not match up! He's been here all day, and he needs to leave and I need him to leave.... He will come back to measure for a base. The problem is simply that it is about 1-2 inches too short from our floor to where the sink went into the wall

So anyway---- we have a white sink.

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