Thursday, February 26, 2009


Tuesday the 24th I went to a Job Fair for Nonprofits sponsored by Idealist, which was held at Boston University. So what a day it was!

I went in with Jack; we left the house at 645am. We drove via 128 and 1 to Wonderland in Revere, parked, and got on the Blue Line to Government Center. We walked to the McCormick Building, which is basically uphill, literally--- it's on Beacon Hill next to the State House. I saw where he worked and met many of his colleagues and co-workers, which was very interesting for me, as I had never been there or met any of them before. Now I can picture in my mind where he goes every day.

Then I got back to the T, onto the Green Line, and took Branch B to BU Central. This took awhile, and when I arrived at the Student Union, I was very happy to have a cup of coffee before going to the upstairs hall where the Job Fair was.

Certainly I've heard about job fairs, but never actually attended one. It was everything I'd expected--- many agencies and organizations and THOUSANDS of attendees. Some of the agencies and organizations were looking to fill paid positions, many were looking for volunteers and interns. I talked to some of interest, left my resume, took business cards for follow-up in the next few weeks.

Though cold and blustery outside, it was very hot inside. There was no place to sit down. So after a few hours--- job fair lasted four and I "worked" most of those hours--- I was tired, my feet and back were screaming in pain at me, I was thirsty, and in a kind of "shell shock" from all the people.... so I left, and went back downtown.

After contacting Melissa, I was able to find her building, and we had a nice cup of tea together, and a pleasant though brief visit. Leaving her to return to her work, I went to Borders in downtown Boston, and waited for Jack to meet me there when he was done work for the day. Unlike other Borders, there were no chairs, presumably to discourage loitering by homeless persons and other vagrants, a sure sign of the big city.

By the time Jack and I got on the Blue Line back to Wonderland, got in the car and headed for home, i was definitely depleted of all energy. He was very kind and suggested dinner out.... at the Tides in Nahant. After a couple of drinks and a light supper, I began to return to normal, but was very happy to get home, into my jammies, and on the couch till early bedtime.


Having emailed someone who was an organizer of a couple of Meetups locally that I am interested in and have recently joined--- North Shore Alternative Health Professionals and North Shore healthy Lifestyles and Nutrition--- whose name is Julie Soderblom, we met for the first time and lunched together at the Front Street Coffee House.

Julie is a Massage Therapist, a Reiki Master, and a Consultant for Juice Plus, a home-based business based on the concept that "living people need living food" and that we should "let food be our medicine". Some of our conversation was biographical for personal acquaintance, and some was about our careers and varied interests in holistic health and nutrition.

We were all over the place, in other words, and some aspects of our lives were interestingly paralleled in experiences--- abusive marriages, good remarriages, deep personal losses of loved ones--- we've both worked as nursing assistants along the way--- and we both have issues, concerns, and visions that are similar. She talked about Juice Plus some, not much, gave me a CD, and said she would be interested in me coming on board as a business partner. I asked her thoughts on Herbalife--- she said nothing negative but firmly believes in Juice Plus, being a long time consumer who has benefitted greatly from the product as well as a business owner who has benefitted finncially.

So, I honestly felt I have met someone who may be very important to me in my life--- and that I may be to hers as well. I will look into Juice Plus as well as continue with Herbalife, and will attend the Meetups when they are scheduled. Kindred spirits, I believe this will be an interesting friendship developing, and I am so pleased that our paths have crossed! surely everything happens for a reason--- ALL THINGS WORK TO THE GOOD FOR THOSE WHO LOVE GOD AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE!

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