Sunday, March 1, 2009


March 1--- we're having some snow today, with the threat of a blizzard tonight and tomorrow--- but the beauty is that we're twenty one days from the Vernal Equinox and it won't last!!!

So here comes spring! Even though it still looks like winter.....

The past two days I've been to a HEALING TOUCH SPIRITUAL MINISTRY Workshop, through ISHA (the Institute of Spiritual Ministry and Aromatherapy)at Rolling Ridge Conference and Retreat Center in North Andover. The Workshop was on "Using Your Hands to Heal", so there was some theory, but it was very practical, hands-on, with lots of active participation.

The instructor was Pat Springer, a cradle Catholic and long-time nurse, healing touch practioner & clinical aromatherapist (as well as a labyrinth facilitator), and she was wonderful! The workshop was wonderful!

Remember my attraction earlier this year for Polarity, for Reiki? That was a symptom and a culmination of sorts--- going through the information, the material, the practices, the recommended reading even--- I have been on this Path, and a Path I did not entirely understand--- for a very long time. And in these two days, I came HOME!!!

In addition, two of the twelve participants hail from Andover, which is not too far from Danvers. One is a nurse, with whom I used to work at Salem Hospital, years ago, Kathy Couillard, and the other is the physician she works for, Suetta Tenney. As I became even slightly acquainted with Suetta, and began to share some biography, and some hopes and dreams and visions--- there is much that we share. Her thing is to pull together people and resources in this area to form a truly Integrative Healthcare Community, and this is so in line with some of where I'm beginning to set my focus. Not long into our conversation I offered my assistance to her, especially now as I'm not employed, can give time, and can be flexible. I offered myself and my administrative skills on a volunteer basis, with the understanding that I will be studying, and if I find paid employment may need to shift what I'm doing....

She told me that Rolling Ridge is having a hard time in these hard times filling up with sufficient programming to meet their financial needs. And that she has a small group of different healthcare professionals that meet together once a month there, and that there will be such a monthly meeting this coming Thursday--- and she invited me!

Talking some more, about my administrative skills, capabilities, including the capability to learn new administrative skills, and the possibility of me learning grant-writing came up. This is something I have long wanted to learn and to do! At this point Suetta introduced me to the Executive Director of Rolling Ridge, Larry Peacock, and we talked about all this, just for a few minutes. The proprosal was put to me that if I meet with the group and my vision is truly in line with the group's, and if I am indeed willing to volunteer my time and skills, then perhaps, between the Healthcare Professional group and Rolling Ridge financing a workshop in fund-raising and grantwriting may be possible, and the Associated Grantmakers have just opened a branch in Lawrence! So I wouldn't even have to go to Boston!

Needless to say I am very excited!!!

And then, after I got home, my beloved husband took me out to dinner. I couldn't share everything about the workshop with him--- I will need to process it all myself for a few days myself--- but I did tell him about meeting Suetta and Larry and the work, though unpaid, that may be just ahead. He was excited and supportive. Then I talked to him about how at one random point during my conversations with folks, I "saw" myself as a Chaplain in a healthcare setting, not ordained as a minister or priest (which as a Catholic is impossible) though perhaps set apart to this function, and so talked to him about the Chaplaincy Institute of Maine, their two year program for interfaith ministry, and their branch in Newburyport (or is it Amesbury?) He totally encouraged me to apply and to go, maybe even this fall--- which could mean me pursuing two part time programs.... and maybe I will!!

I will add to this post to expand on this somewhat--- but today--- suffice to say--- I have recently found Kindred Spirits, come to see a little more of the Path the Lord has put me on--- not that we ever see too far ahead any of us--- and today, on this snowy day at home with my beloved husband John, I am in some kind of inner celebration of having found Home.

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