Friday, February 13, 2009


Checking my email this morning I had this in my inbox:

Thursday, February 12,2009

"Dear Beverly

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in our organization. Tonight the Executive Committee met regarding the position of Outreach Coordinator for the JCCHCE. At this time, we will not be offering this position to you. Your qualifications are excellent. You have a very strong background and experience. It was truly recognized by all of us. We wish you well.

With kindest regards,
Jackie Coogan

So the suspense is over. And truthfully, I'm relieved. My anxiety was growing about a) commuting to Everett, b) not just commuting to Everett and staying put, but being on the go constantly in Chelsea, Malden, Revere, and Somerville as well as Everett, none of these do I know, and c) in addition to these concerns are the concerns about learning the position, the Committee, the organizations interacting with the Committe, and the specifics of community needs.....

So I'll keep looking, and have learned that although it may be a growing experience to commute to unknown areas it simply might not be the right thing for me to do, and so I will concentrate on positions closer to home--- Beverly, Danvers, Peabody, Salem, and adjacent communities--- and in areas I am somewhat familiar with even if they do require a commute--- such as Ipswich or Newburyport.

And I'll continue with the Herbalife training, the Weight Loss Challenge, and beginning to look at "how to grow a home-based business".

Finally, I'm looking forward to studies with the National Institute of Whole Health, in Health Education, Advocacy, and Coaching.

Really looking at the word WHOLE lately, it's come up so often. A few years ago when I was really working hard on myself I wrote the Theme of my life as MY JOURNEY AS A FRAGMENTED SELF: A QUEST FOR WHOLENESS. And I've always loved the word SHALOM, it's my favorite word.

So what does this all mean NOW?

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