Thursday, May 28, 2009


I continue to look for a job---currently 30 open applications for employment out there. Haven't heard from anyone for quite awhile now.

And I continue to wish for customers for Juice Plus+. Made lists, thought, prayed, schemed--- but as yet no firm plans for Wellness Presentations or anything that might help me get customers. I have attended one meeting of BNI (Business Networking International) Peabody Chapter--- can attend two more meetings gratis, then must decide whether or not to join and it's expensive.

I am beginning to interview for volunteer positions-1)Beverly Historical Society Receptionist/Docent (-), North Shore Elder Services Medical Advocate (+), Beacon Hospice FREE training at North Shore Community College in Danvers this summer (+).

So today after three days of chill, wind, & rain, I am discouraged, wiped out, headachey...

The good news is that soon it will be June, and June 7-13 Jack & I will be going to the Outer Banks for Vacation!!!

Maybe get a new lease on life, come back refreshed and optimistic.

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