Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Discouragement is creeping into my psyche, my bones, my very being. I'm depressed, not clinically, not grief-stricken, but discouraged. The job search goes on and on and on and on--- with no job yet. The business got off to a modest start, and now I'm stuck with the "what to do now?" blues.

Usually this type of thing is temporary. I've had no life-changing trauma or difficulty lately, just going on is getting tough.

So---- because a) I need something positive to do, for others, during the day and b) I need something to cover this gap in time on my resume---- I'm searching out local volunteer opportunities. Of course I'm considering Beverly & Salem Hospitals, but looking into some other places too.

Experience has shown me that getting out of self and into doing good for others is a sure cure for discouragement and the type of depression I'm experiencing today, and lately.

Here's hoping!~

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