Monday, June 29, 2009


How am I doing in regards to fulfilling my New Year Resolutions? What were they?

This year:

I will commit to my Yoga practice, just begun this past fall.

Haven't done too well with this one. I've gone to some Yoga classes, then somehow stop, getting "lost". However I have signed up for another five week stretch of Gentle Yoga with Kate at Endicott park.

I will lose weight--- my goal is thirty pounds--- by participating in a reasonable scientific weight loss program over time, and changing lifestyle as necessary

I found that my weight loss goal needs to be fifty pounds, not thirty--- and I've had some severe difficulties achieving any weight loss at all. Since meeting kindred spirit Julie Soderblom and following her diet advice, keeping it simple--- and using Juice Plus+ full dose 2X per day, I have finally lost about ten pounds. Still a ways to go.

I will seek out a Christian and Catholic perspective on Complimentary & Alternative Medicine, as I have an interest in pursuing training in healing therapies.

I have done this some, but overall my interest in things specifically Christian has waned. Worrisome, but true. I believe in God more than ever, and see God as bigger and just generally MORE than I believed before. Maybe it's the church that I can no longer work up enthusiasm for....

I will seek out ways that I can "live greener".

I have canvas food shopping bags, am buying some organic produce, and study on these issues all the time. I haven't gotten too far, will continue, slow but sure.

I will continue to grow in love with my husband and with God.

Absolutely, and now, with my husband, as we live together longer, and go through things, all kinds of things, from family difficulties to work problems to enduring one another's moods as well as our own, LOVE GROWS. It is indeed a vocation.

I will seek to do good for others in my family, community, parish, & workplace.

Have tried now for months to find suitable employment that would be service-oriented, came close six times without winning. So now, am doing volunteer work--- "At Your Side" Medical Advocate for North Shore Elder Services, and will train for Hospice later this summer. Also the Coast Guard Auxilliary. And I believe that my business, Juice Plus+, is a good product, good for people and the environment, and a company with integrity.

I will begin to live my Mission--- To feel, rather than think, to believe, rather than question, and to inspire others to find Heaven on Earth


living in the present Moment--- THE NOW--- through Fun, Faith, and Surrender to WHAT IS

So, soon to formulate a mid-course correction as necessary.

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