Sunday, September 6, 2009


When I wrote that I was ending posts to SEA CHANGE, I was premature. I sensed that something was ending but interpreted what that might be incorrectly. It was indeed the END of something. Right after that post, I received the job offer for part time Receptionist at North Shore Elder Services, which ENDED my time of unemployment and isolation from the world at large. Since then, I have interviewed for and received an offer for the position of Companion Coordinator for NSES, another part time position there. With more responsibilities, definitely more in line with my personal desires and dreams, the CC works with volunteers in Home Care Services.

Needless to say I am totally delighted with these developments. In addition, I continue on with Volunteer Medical Advocacy through NSES, and am enrolled in a Strength Training Class offered to staff after hours. All in all, these have been very interesting developments. In addition to BNI, which is a true learning & growing experience, Juice Plus+, my business which is slowly, very slowly coming into its own, NIWH school requirements for the Whole Health Education program, Coast Guard Auxiliary classes and meetings, and Hospice Volunteer training, life has been--- and has become--- extremely busy!

SEA CHANGE will continue to chronicle my personal development & inner life, while my two new blogs, WHOLE LIFE and BACK TO THE GARDEN, will document & share (I hope) my transition into Whole Foods, Whole Earth, and Whole Health, the first very specifically into areas of diet, exercise, & lifestyle choices and challenges, particularly as these relate to Nature and natural living, and the second to the Spirit over all and in all.

So---- finding Balance in Busy will be the Challenge NOW!

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