Saturday, December 19, 2009


Having sold the condo at Holten Gardens beginning of November, we have been intensively looking for a new place since. With Closing on December 18th we had quite a deadline.
We put an offer on a short sale, so that could take awhile to process, and continue to look.

Fortunately we're staying with Carl & Melissa (son & daughter-in-law) while we are "in transition".

And fortunately my brother Ken, who lives in Worcester, agreed to take Gracie "for the duration". Totally at peace with that, as he's a good, quiet man who will take excellent and loving care of her. I'll miss her though!

Moving Day was December 16th, Closing the 18th, and today we are sorting out our room and getting things in order for what we hope will be a brief and peaceful, maybe even blissful time together. Nice to be together through the holidays.

After which we will be intensively shopping for our new place!

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