Thursday, December 31, 2009


And so this is really and truly my final entry!

What a year it has been.

I started the year unemployed, ungrounded and open to every possibility. I tried new things, like Reiki--- made Level 2--- and Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry. Enrolled into a graduate certificate program in Whole Health Education. Volunteered as Medical Advocate for North Shore Elder Services and found employment there as well--- and LOVE working there and what I do as Volunteer Coordinator & Receptionist.

Celebrated my first wedding anniversary with Jack, the love of my life and my soulmate, in March. Commemorated the first anniversary of Mom's death in September.

Went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for vacation & Jack & I seriously experienced love at first sight for the place there, it's open sky and miles of seashore and sound side.

Sold the too-small condo in Danvers late in the year, and NOW, with everything but minimal needs in storage, are living with my youngest son Carl & his wife Melissa back in my beloved Salem while looking for a new place!

Have put in an offer on a condo in Salem--- a short sale--- and thinking of putting in an offer on another in Salem--- also a short sale. Trying to be patient.

And so I look out the window at the snow and think---WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE!!!

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