Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today started well, and it was a wonderful Friday evening--- we went to the 99--- and Saturday evening--- we went to see "Inkheart"--- but mid-morning things went downhill. Not just that we had a disagreement, or even an argument, Jack and I, but "old stuff" got recycled for him when he talked to his sister over the phone as he does every Sunday morning, and then some of my "old stuff" got recycled as well.

I went to Mass, as I was lector, and Jack went to Hospice to see his frind's mother-in-law, who just arrived there yesterday. It won't be long for her they say. His friend, also Jack, appreciated the visit, but again, memories of Mom and her passing there....

It has been three weeks since Jack saw his granddaughter Maria, and he wanted to see her today, very badly. I did not want to go TODAY, but I was emotionally coerced into going. It was OK once we got there, good to see Maria, and a pleasant visit with his daughter Debbie and her husband Patrick. And we heard, via them, that Thom, Jack's son, is accepting an offer on his condo!

Today took everything out of both of us.

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