Thursday, January 29, 2009


At the Weight Loss Challenge the other night my Moment of Truth revealed--- a weight loss of .8 pounds! After all my trying to eat less, eat better, exercise more! I'm grateful that I LOST and didn't GAIN, but it's a little discouraging. Nevertheless, I continue on with the program.

And I definitely need to! I received the results of my recent labs done after my recent annual physical examination--- and communication with my new physician Dr Kontamwar was terse--- cholesterol is up, rather high again, and she strongly recommends weight loss and exercise. How timely for me to be participating in the Weight Loss Challenge through Herbalife!

A few years ago, while living in Rhode Island, being in the midst of menopause and so lacking in estrogen-protection, my cholesterol and the whole picture was so high it was grim. A year of serious diet changes and frequent exercise, mostly walking, and I got it down past the danger level. It wasn't easy, but I did it. Now it appears I MUST do this again, and not drift away from "the heart healthy" way of life--- I may live a little longer, that's up to God, but I will live BETTER, with a better quality of life, that's up to me to a large extent.

More thoughts about my renewed attraction to healing, especially to complementary and alternative modalities and particularly to hands-on therapies, such as Reiki, Polarity, Healing Touch:

I'm looking back to the years I was Nursing Assistant providing hands-on care and how that was--- very physical with some heavy lifting, messy with bodily functions, intimate with people's nakedness--- and my reactions to all that at the time, which were mixed. Sometimes I was compassionate to others and myself and sometimes, frankly, I was repulsed, by the nakedness, the bodily functions (bowels, urine, vomit, blood), by the manifestations of disease and results of surgery. And I very specifically remembering caring for my mother in the past few years, till her passing last fall, and that I was very uncomfortable with touching her, giving her enemas, helping her shower, inspecting her skin.... I don't know how all this will affect my abilities and capabilities as a healing practioner, but I am certain I need to look at all this and work through it. And ultimately I need to tell myself the TRUTH.

So, with some of that negativity to such intimate contact in mind and still experiencing it to some degree, even regarding my most beloved husband John--- I will face this head on and see what I can and cannot do. He has been having problems with the skin on his feet, very dry and cracked, and he sometimes picks on his heels on the couch in the evenings, which I cannot stand. Rather than chastising him, I am going to try to nurse him and take care of his feet. Keeping the picture of Jesus washing His disciples feet at the Last Supper in my heart and mind, I am going to soak his feet and massage his feet with cream---- and see what transpires, between us and within me.

I received a call from Everett City Hall about a position I have applied for, as Community Outreach & Parent Coordinator for the Joint Committee for Children's Health Care, and am pleased to have a telephone screening interview next monday at 930am!

And I am still WAITING to hear from Catholic Charities North!

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