Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today I went for an all-day training in Reiki Level I, at Essence of Healing in the Cummings Center, Beverly. I had thought about it long and hard, and was still somewhat on the edge about whether to do it, whether right or wrong. I am more than aware than conservative Christians would be, will be, aghast that I participated in this. Neverthleless....

Certainly before I went I did the daily Mass readings, and asked the Blessed Mother to protect me. I am not eager to enter into something occult, not desiring to do anything which will separate me from God. In some ways still uncertain, I went ahead and did it anyway. As I drove over I thought of St Raphael & St Luke & St Dymphna.

It was a very small place, the Essence of Healing. There was a tiny sitting room, and a slightly larger treatment room, with a massage table, and an altar under the window. Though there were statues of angels & Buddha and some Hindu deities, to my relief I saw the Blessed Mother & St Theresa of Avila. I did not sense anything bad or evil.

Our teacher, Elaine, was somewhat older than me, and is in partnership with her daughter, Nichole. First we had a study on the definition of Reiki, its history in Japan, which is ancient, and how it came to the West. The word Reiki comes from "Rei" meaning God-conciousness, and "Ki" meaning Life Force Energy. Reiki is all about energy, and is a healing modality, one among many. And it is complementary to other medical and healing therapies, not "instead of".

We did an Energy Circle, and had a Guided Meditation, before receiving Attunements. There were three of us participating as students, and we each received an Attunement privately. After that we had a demonstration of a Reiki treatment, then each of us did a treatment, taking turns on one another. At the end of the day, we did another Energy Circle.

At this point I do not know for certain what I think or feel, but I do not regret doing this workshop. I will go through the rest of the training, which is twenty one days of doing Self-Reiki and if possible, Reiki on others (for me that will be Jack & kitty Gracie), keeping brief records and submitting them to the teacher. After she receives these and goes over them, to address any questions or concerns, she will award a Certificate of Reiki level I.

One must wait a time before going to Level II, and even more time before level III or Master. I do not know if that is the path I will take.....

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