Wednesday, February 4, 2009


The job interview today with Jacqueline Coogan of the Joint Committee for the Health Care for Children, at Everett City Hall, went very well. We connected very well, and I found her to be "dynamite". I have been invited--- and accepted the invitation--- for a third interview, which will take place Monday the 9th, with the staff & Executive Team. I am one of four finalists. Should hear by Thursday and if offered, and accepted, will beging briefly on Friday the 13th, when I attend the monthly organizational meeting of 30+ directors of agencies and organizations that make up the Committee. I would then begin in earnest the 17th.

We shall see. She's not entirely certain of me--- and I'm not entirely certain this is right for me. We will each have a few days to think things over, then another meeting.

In some ways, this is exactly the sort of position I've hoped for all my life! Community oriented, grass-roots, professional, concerned with healthcare for children and families.....

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