Friday, March 6, 2009


So, I went to the meeting at Rolling Ridge, on Wellness, as I had been invited. A beautiful place and a group of people with years of various health-related experience, kindred spirits committed to finding a way to move towards an Integrative Health community in this area--- the Merrimac Valley where they all apparently reside and practice, and the North Shore, for which I'm the beginning contact.

Calling themselves the Wellness Triad in honor of the Goal and of the Trinity, they were investigating ways and means to incorporate their vision and utilize the buildings and grounds at Rolling Ridge, perhaps forming a Healing Center. We discussed many ideas, modalities, possibilities.....

Most of those at the meeting were health care professionals with significant experience--- most of my experience was as a "paraprofessional" and administrative. Still I was welcomed as one with something to contribute. One possibility is that the group and Rolling Ridge may front me to get some training to write grants. The Associated Grant Makers just opened a branch office in Lawrence. This is exciting for me! I could learn new skills and then use them to help with capital & program needs for Rolling Ridge and other small non-profits, as a freelancer, writing into the grant my fee, which is usally a percentage of the total.

So much is opening up before me: studying through the National Institute of Whole Health, researching home-based business options with Herbalife and Juice Plus, participating in the Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry... such a Magnificent Flow. Sometimes in my life I have had to be so completely focused on survival that if opportunities opened to me, I could not respond. I can now, and I do. I will not interfere with this Flow, but will go with it....

In the meantime, I continue to seek suitable employment, go to Yoga, and do my part, for myself, my husband, our families, and for all beings with whom we share this world of life and death. I look forward to the journey ahead; having been through difficult transitions several times in my life, I no longer fear them, and will "fight no more forever". I will "trust the Lord with all my heart, and lean not unto my own understanding. In all my ways I will acknowledge Him, and He will make straight my path".

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