Sunday, April 5, 2009


And I'm answering.

Today Jack & attended an all day Conference sponsored by Juice Plus, a Health & Wellness company specializing in Whole Food Supplements. This is associated with Julie Soderblom, whom I met a few weeks ago, and whom I've described as a "Kindred Spirit".

The Conference from beginning to end was wonderful! From the physician who gave an amusing and informative talk on oxidative stress--- free radicals--- antioxidants--- to some in various stages of the business talking about the business--- it was a positive experience.

After thinking about this opportunity beforehand, and now having Jack's input and opinions, all of which were good, I have decided to go forward into this business, and end my association with Herbalife. The products appear similar but are quite different, the business model also appears similar but is quite different...... I never got past my ambivalence over Herbalife, never got close to making money, never even lost weight on their products and plan. I will go forward and not look back.

Jack & I went to Mass after the Conference, and prayed our dedication to Juice Plus and for God's blessing on us and our business and on everybody and everything involved with Juice Plus.

And so it begins!

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