Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This past weekend Jack & I went to the Cape for the weekend. Neither of us had been there much, both of us tend to go North, so we had fun exploring new territory. And we did it without a map!

We stayed at the Mariner Motor Lodge in Yarmouth. Nice place, had a big pool and a ho tub, as well as many families due to Spring Vacation Week. A nice Irish Pub next door, Molly's, and we were well set for home base.

The first day we went to Provincetown. It didn't seem lie it should be far, we were in the "Mid-Cape area", but it turned out to be some sixty miles! We enjoyed the ride, got to see the change from Mid to Outer Cape, and we both greatly liked the Outer Cape. We drove around Wellfleet and walked around the Harbor area. In P-town it took awhile to find parking and it was metered--- 25C for only 15 minutes! So we had a quick bite to eat and left within an hour, to go back to the Mid-Cape.

On the way back we stopped and played Miniature Golf at the Pirate Cove in Yarmouth. Jack got three holes in one, and I got one! It was a fun & challenging course--- and of course part of the fun was the pirate theme.

Second day we went to Barnstable & Sandwich. We peekd at the Daniel Webster Inn and took the tour of the Sandwich Glass Museum. We stopped at the Wild Lagoon Miniature Golf and played another round. I ended with a hole in one! Maybe we have a new interest?

We stayed an extra night. And so that last evening we went to another Irish Pub--- live Irish music, dancing....

All in all a good weekend, very fun and romantic.

We heard from Carl & Melissa on our return that they had put in an offer on a house in Danvers--- but it looks like a "no go". And we went to see Maria and her grown-ups Debbie & Patrick (AKA Mom & Dad to her) and Uncle Thom. Had a nice dinner and evening with them in Newburyport.

Finally, we were hoping to have all the kids to the house tomorrow evening for a Wellness Presentation for Juice Plus+--- kind of a practice--- but that looks like a "no go" and so we'll have to rethink, reschedule, redo somehow.... disappointing, but that's business.

And I have yet to hear about the Patient Advocate position for which I interviewed last week. Perhaps that is a "no go" as well. Time will tell.

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