Thursday, May 7, 2009


I've had a Colonoscopy, a Root Canal.... more to come with a Bone Graft. So I've been under the weather here and there, and had a couple of wasted days.

I've finished my second essay for school, which is NIWH (the National Institute of Whole Health), for EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY. Anticipating the arrival of my next unit, on BRAIN FUNCTION, HORMONES, AND BEHAVIOR.

I've applied for many jobs, and NOT gotten the position of Patient Advocate with MDVIP. Getting a tad discouraged as time goes by--- it's now been seven months since I left my last employment. I hope I get something soon. Concentrating on part time now as well as full time positions.

I have three customers now for Juice Plus! And some real prospects! Looking forward to a long & satisfying business with this.

Jack & I helped out in Springfield this past weekend, with Donna getting her house ready for Carol (her mom and my birth mother) to arrive for moving in, and helped unload the truck. Both Carol and her dog Maggie are settling in OK.

About to have my first Mother's Day without Martha. Appears that Carl & Melissa will be having a BBQ at her mom's, for both her and for me. I guess I'm the matriarch of my family now.

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