Wednesday, March 10, 2010


We finally found a place, it's a condo, and it's in DANVERS! It came on the market first week of February 2010, we saw it after work on Thursday, put an offer on it on Friday, offer was accepted on Friday--- home inspection went well, appraisal OK, mortgage in place--- we're closing on March 17th St Patrick's Day--- how approps for the Flanagans--- and moving in on March 19th St Joseph's day--- guardian of the home and of the church, protector of the family & Jack's patron saint.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


And so this is really and truly my final entry!

What a year it has been.

I started the year unemployed, ungrounded and open to every possibility. I tried new things, like Reiki--- made Level 2--- and Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry. Enrolled into a graduate certificate program in Whole Health Education. Volunteered as Medical Advocate for North Shore Elder Services and found employment there as well--- and LOVE working there and what I do as Volunteer Coordinator & Receptionist.

Celebrated my first wedding anniversary with Jack, the love of my life and my soulmate, in March. Commemorated the first anniversary of Mom's death in September.

Went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for vacation & Jack & I seriously experienced love at first sight for the place there, it's open sky and miles of seashore and sound side.

Sold the too-small condo in Danvers late in the year, and NOW, with everything but minimal needs in storage, are living with my youngest son Carl & his wife Melissa back in my beloved Salem while looking for a new place!

Have put in an offer on a condo in Salem--- a short sale--- and thinking of putting in an offer on another in Salem--- also a short sale. Trying to be patient.

And so I look out the window at the snow and think---WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Having sold the condo at Holten Gardens beginning of November, we have been intensively looking for a new place since. With Closing on December 18th we had quite a deadline.
We put an offer on a short sale, so that could take awhile to process, and continue to look.

Fortunately we're staying with Carl & Melissa (son & daughter-in-law) while we are "in transition".

And fortunately my brother Ken, who lives in Worcester, agreed to take Gracie "for the duration". Totally at peace with that, as he's a good, quiet man who will take excellent and loving care of her. I'll miss her though!

Moving Day was December 16th, Closing the 18th, and today we are sorting out our room and getting things in order for what we hope will be a brief and peaceful, maybe even blissful time together. Nice to be together through the holidays.

After which we will be intensively shopping for our new place!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Well--- at the EXTREME last minute--- after we had accepted that our condo was not going to sell this time around (either)--- discussing new living room sets and a larger kitchen table--- we received an acceptable offer!!!

Closing will be December 18th!!!

We have six weeks to find another place!!!

In the past week we have looked at at least a dozen, and gone through many more listings. Some possibilities, but not a firm decision--- YET.

We have talked to Carl & Melissa, and assuming that our closing does not coincide with our buyer's--- a safe assumption at this point--- and we can stay with them TEMPORARILY. Good to know we have a contingency plan, takes some of the pressure off.


We must find a temporary home for Gracie.

We must make arrangements to store our belongings.

We must work out details of our temporary living arrangement.

And we must keep looking at houses to find the right place!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


One year from the death of my mother, Martha. One whole year. Quite a year. And I had it in me to hold her in my heart for this first year--- to remember her always....

And on her anniversary, we had Memorial Mass at St Richard's--- I was the Lector and Jack was one of the Eucharistic Ministers. In the afternoon Carl & Melissa had their Housewarming. All in all a good day.

And now the year is past, and I am absolved of that responsibility. Of course she is still in my heart and I still think of her. But it's not the same and I feel enormous relief.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


And so the saga continues.

Scattered, because I am SO BUSY. Most days seem to happen, without real cohesion and without a real sense of accomplishment. There ARE accomplishments, but no time nor energy to contemplate these. Busy is generally good, better than idleness, as is interacting with people and doing things that are positive for others, be that in human services, wellness coaching, or sharing Juice Plus+. Therefore, SCATTERED, not just in thought, but emotionally, even physically.

Depressed, because---- WHY? Externals are going well, even though busy. I once again am employed, business is growing slowly but surely, BNI is stretching me, Hospice training was a good experience, Coast Guard Auxiliary I'm not entirely sure of as I do not care for wearing a uniform---- but nothing in all that I could point to as leading to depression. However, I've been off medication for awhile, and nearing the first anniversary of Mom's death. Every time I think of her I start getting teary eyed. Maybe it will be better when we get past that day, September 20th.

So for now, I continue on. I will see about getting on meds again, continue with Yoga & therapy, try to eat well and sleep enough and all the other things that are supposed to be good for us. And hope for the best!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


When I wrote that I was ending posts to SEA CHANGE, I was premature. I sensed that something was ending but interpreted what that might be incorrectly. It was indeed the END of something. Right after that post, I received the job offer for part time Receptionist at North Shore Elder Services, which ENDED my time of unemployment and isolation from the world at large. Since then, I have interviewed for and received an offer for the position of Companion Coordinator for NSES, another part time position there. With more responsibilities, definitely more in line with my personal desires and dreams, the CC works with volunteers in Home Care Services.

Needless to say I am totally delighted with these developments. In addition, I continue on with Volunteer Medical Advocacy through NSES, and am enrolled in a Strength Training Class offered to staff after hours. All in all, these have been very interesting developments. In addition to BNI, which is a true learning & growing experience, Juice Plus+, my business which is slowly, very slowly coming into its own, NIWH school requirements for the Whole Health Education program, Coast Guard Auxiliary classes and meetings, and Hospice Volunteer training, life has been--- and has become--- extremely busy!

SEA CHANGE will continue to chronicle my personal development & inner life, while my two new blogs, WHOLE LIFE and BACK TO THE GARDEN, will document & share (I hope) my transition into Whole Foods, Whole Earth, and Whole Health, the first very specifically into areas of diet, exercise, & lifestyle choices and challenges, particularly as these relate to Nature and natural living, and the second to the Spirit over all and in all.

So---- finding Balance in Busy will be the Challenge NOW!